why yoga?

Just so, why yoga? Listen here for a possibile answer :)

..."the success of yoga does not lie in the ability to perform postures but in how it positively changes the way we live our life and our relationships."

t.k.v. desikachar

Because we want to live well and this means to breathe well. It means reconsider our body, keep in touch with sensations and with emotions. It means to relax, seek balance, improve our posture, release our rigidity, and let go of tension and anxiety. It means learning to give up, surrender, become available, and accept life as it is and as it comes, renewing us in every moment of every day.

The true power of yoga lies not in the strength and vitality it gives the physical body, but rather in the profoundly positive ways it changes our human system by refining the mind, creating positive habits and behaviors, improving our relationships, and bringing forth profound spiritual experiences. 

Yoga help us make a step back mentally and choose the manner to respond consciously instead of simply react. Is about the discovery of your real nature. It means reconsider our body, keep in touch with sensations and with emotions, accept life as it is and as it comes, renewing us in every moment of every day.

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+40 720 081 218


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