
every Tuesday evening, @19.45

breath-focused restorative practice to calm your mind and shift into a quiet inner space.

@ bodhi studio, Bucuresti

str. Victor Eftimiu 2 (Ion Brezoianu)

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August 31 - September 3, 2017   Sulina, in inima Deltei Dunarii


@De ce sa vii cu noi in Delta?

meditazie ghidata, practica yoga...safari, canale cu nuferi, cai salbatici, birdwatching... si cel mai frumos rasarit :)

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Saturday June 24, 13.00

This might be a joyful occasion to talk about what does it mean to invest in oneself, about developing your understanding of yoga... whether you'll become a yoga instructor or not.

Hermitage. urban spiritual hub, Bucharest

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date: Friday, May 5 from 19:30 to 21:30

locationHermitage.urban spiritual hub, M. Eminescu, 127

“...As your breath awareness becomes more refined, it can guide you in all areas of your life.“

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date: Friday, April 21 from 19:30 to 21:30

locationHermitage.urban spiritual hub, M. Eminescu, 127

“The practices of yoga are derived from observing our breathing. Our mind affects our breathing and our breathing affects our mind... “

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 “Through yoga you can experience listening to the body, managing the breath, resetting the mind… Every Thursday morning I invite you to learn on the mat the art of not-doing.”

In August, we suggest you start Thursday morning, 7.30 at Hermitage.urban spiritual hub with meditation techniques, breathing exercises and asanas, guided by Livia Constantin, RYT-500.

Save the dates: August 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31 - 7.30 a.m.

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