200-Hour TTP

The new formula of this Certified Program is structured on a Basic Certified Course (154-hour) and 2 Professional Development Modules - Teaching Methodology and Practicum to complete the Training Program (209-hour).

Only the trainees who graduate the full atha YOGA iti Certificate Program (209-hour) are eligible to register in Yoga Alliance as RYT 200, Basic Yoga Instructor. This certification supports them to build worldwide recognized credentials in the field of teaching yoga and join the largest yoga community.

You can also call us at +40 720 081 218 or leave a message for the teacher staff on our Facebook page.

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about 200-Hour Teacher Training Program

The main characteristic of our 200-Hour Teacher Training Program (TTP) is the integration of the traditional approach of the ancient texts and yogic culture with the background of scientific researches and studies. The structure of the Program, in modules and mini-Courses, meets newly arisen needs and specific demands, and provides you the information, instruments and materials to help you learn and structure your yoga experience and teaching style.

Those who are looking for an easy and quick approach to a career as a yoga instructor most likely will not find our program desirable. But those dedicated to learning and integrating both the philosophical and physical aspects of the practice of yoga into their lives and careers will find it valid and rigorous.


upcoming 200-hour TTP

Upcoming 200-Hour Teacher Training Program starts March 3rd, 2019 in Bucharest.

We currently consider applications. The registration deadline is February 28th, 2019

Click at the right  to send your request for further information or to receive the application for admission.

purpose of the course

The course is designed to broaden and deepen your knowledge of yoga and to assist your personal growth and spiritual practice.

After completion of atha YOGA iti 200-Hour Teacher Training Program students will gain a deeper understanding of the principles and history of yoga philosophy, as well as a thorough and practical understanding of the major asanas, including their anatomical and alignment principles, enabling graduates to teach with confidence and intuition, equally respecting each person in all her complexity and uniqueness.

The graduates will be able to structure and teach sequences of a class in a structured, smart and safe way, finding the best variation/adjustment based on individual needs.

who may be interested in this program?

Persons from all walks of life with a passionate interest in yoga spirituality, curious and eager to learn about yoga and yogic concepts and philosophy. If you are interested in how to teach not only yoga or, simply, if you feel that teaching yoga is right for you and you have space in your life to do it now…


how to apply

We currently consider applications for our 200-Hour Teacher Training Program.

Whatever is the registration deadline we suggest you apply as soon as possible, as the class fills up quickly.

Please fill out your application, sign it and return it to our school. This information will allow us to ensure that you can make the most of your training. All personal information will remain strictly confidential.

  • Begin your pre-registration. Download the Application for admission here, print, complete and sign it.
  • Send it by email together with your medical and psychiatric certificates at livia@athayogaiti.eu 
  • Wait for RYS Confirmation. Within 72 hours you will receive an email inviting you to continue registration and to join a meeting with one of our teachers.
  • Download here and review the Yoga Alliance Code of Conduct. Print it and sign it.
  • Download here and review the Waiver Declaration. Print it and sign it.
  • You will attend to the agreed meeting and have a helpful conversation with one of our teachers. You will personally present your application, together with all the original requested signed documents.
  • Students have the opportunity to book an individual dialoque with a Senior teacher, every Sunday morning on february, 2019. after this colloquio you will be notified of acceptance into the Teacher Training Program with all the documents required.
  • Upon acceptance to the Program is requested within 5 working days a non-refundable initial payment of 200 euro to secure your place. See Payment and Refund Policy for all details.

Your registration at the Teacher Training Program is complete once your initial payment was received by the school administration.    


Please keep in mind that the Program requires a minimum of 10 participants in order to occur and cover its basic economic costs.  The maximum number of participants is 15.

Please consult with your doctor/physician before starting any yoga program. Yoga practice is prohibited in case of any mental disorder. Any participant assumes the risk of injury performing exercises or the program.


curriculum and main sections of the program

Here are the compulsory sections. Each training session and the time in between include hands-on instruction and practice, video learning, mentoring, reading, teaching practice, and assignments designed to bring your experience and learning to life.

Section 1

Techniques, Training and Practice: the main asanas explained and practiced in group environment, based on anatomy lessons. How to build a pose, action, counteraction, risks. Basic and intermediate pranayama techniques. Asanas mudras and bandhas relevant to pranayama. Kriya scientific concepts and practices. Meditation techniques and a scientific approach to meditation, mantras. Total hours 80

Section 2

Teaching Methodology: adult learning theory, teaching practice, what does it mean to be a yoga teacher. Develop confidence with teaching asanas, demonstrating, sequencing, observing, adjusting, correcting postures. How to create a lesson plan. Teaching traditions and methods, teaching role, case studies. Communication and body expression. Yoga as a self development tool. Total hours 40

Section 3

Anatomy & Physiology: with the collaboration of an osteopathic specialist. Knowledge of anatomy as it relates to teaching yoga. Anatomy applied to asana, yoga & spinal mechanics, brain and nervous system etc. Physiology applied to asana practice - special conditions and variety of settings. Homework on the anatomy themes, discussion on lessons, Q&A. Total hours 40

Section 4

Yoga Philosophy, Life Style and Ethics: application of yogic concepts in traditional yogic texts, yogic understanding of Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads. Psychological and ethical concepts. Yoga classes, homework assignments, studies, comments and preparatory work to be shared in classroom. Yoga and lifestyle. Yoga as a way of life. Business aspects of teaching yoga. Total hours 30

Section 5

Practicum: strong emphasis on teaching time during the training program to increase confidence and develop skills in conducting well-balanced and safe classes. Design yoga classes for beginner/ intermediate/ advanced level and lead them under the supervision of the lead trainer. Discussions and feedback on the teachings. Present 2 exam papers and record a video of students’ own yoga classes. Total hours 30

Section 6

About Ayurveda, Yoga diet and nutrition. Learn about Sen lines and some basic techniques in Nuad Bo Rarn, ancient Thai massage, and how to touch in a professional way -not to harm, not to mistreat or offense!   Total hours 10

Section 7

Deepens our multi-style approach with lectures with Indian masters, guest experts and teachers of different traditions invited from different countries; stage opportunities in India, Italy or other countries; intensive weeks, intensive workshops or any other subject and event chosen by our educational staff to integrate the sections and/or the topics in the TTP.

In the sections of the Teacher Training Program there are some topics & workshops we consider to be of major interest for a larger audience, therefore may decide to organize them as special events, open to anyone interested and who may benefit.




calendar and syllabus

The new formula 200-hour Teacher Training Program (TTP) is structured over 13 months. The classes take place only on Sunday,  2 Sundays every month and a third one with special sessions is to be considered.

See here the Calendar and Main Modules.


Sunday     9.00 - 13.30 and 14.00 - 18.00


Bellow the Syllabus. There are sections and workshops (written in blue) we consider of major interest for a larger audience and may decide to open them also as single workshop to everybody is interested and may benefit.

payment and refund policy

All payments should be made only by bank transfer, indicating the details requested.  Payment agreement is required prior to the start of the Program. 

  1. The 200-Hour TT Program tuition is 1,790 euro (paid in RON at the BNR exchange rate of the payment day).
  2. A 200 euro non-refundable is due with your application and admission to secure your place, until the start of the course.
  3. The balance of the 1590 euro must be paid in advance for any Module of the course (four Modules) as planned at the beginning of the course, until the dates scheduled in the calendar.
  4. All payments must be paid when due. Late fees will be applied for late payments.
  5. Different payment terms and conditions might be considered by the school administration in exceptional cases.
  6. The non-payment of the course tuition fully or in part is reason for the exclusion from this Program. See also Cancellation Policy in the main list.

See here the Payment Terms Calendar.

Please make a bank transfer payable to atha yoga iti Association with the references bellow and remember to mention on the payment order your full name, the Course and email.

atha yoga iti Association

CUI 33523618

IBAN RO83BRDE 410SV 19168264100

BRD, Academiei Agency

Please keep in mind that tuition covers only the training program costs. It does not include extra-academic costs such as accommodation, meals, transportation etc. 

required bibliography

Please note that these are suggestions only and are grouped on topics, in alphabetical order considering the author. The reading requirements of our Yoga Teacher Training will be provided to you on acceptance into our Program.


Blandine Calais-Germain -  The Anatomy of Movement, vol.I - Anatomie pentru miscare, vol.I . Introducere in analiza tehnicilor corporale

Ray Long - The Key Muscles of Yoga, vol.I;  The Key Poses of Yoga, vol.II

H. David Coulter - Anatomy of Hatha Yoga. A Manual for Students, Teachers, and Practitioners

Leslie Kaminoff - Yoga Anatomy. Your illustrated guide to postures, movements, and breathing techniques


B.K.S. Iyengar - Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

T.K.V. Desikachar - The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice


Hathayoga pradipika

The Bhagavad Gita - with an Introductory Essay, Sanskrit Text and English Translation and Notes by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan


Recommended reading:

Arthur Avalon - The Serpent Power

B.K.S. Iyengar - Light on Yoga. Foreword by Yehudi Menuhin

B.K.S. Iyengar - Light on Pranayama. The Yogic Art of Breathing. Introduction by Yehudi Menuhin

Mircea Eliade - Yoga. Immortality and Freedom; Yoga. Nemurire si libertate

Sivananda Radha - Hatha Yoga. The Hidden Language. Symbols, Secrets and Metaphor

Sivananda Radha - Kundalini. Yoga for the West. A Foundation for Character Building, Courage and Awareness

Georg Feuerstein - Tantra. The path of Ecstasy

Georg Feuerstein - Living Yoga. A Comprehensive Guide for Daily Life

Vimala Thakar - Glimpses of Raja Yoga: An Introduction to Patanjali's Yoga Sutras

Swami Vivekananda - Jnana Yoga. The Yoga of Knowledge

Thich Nhat Hanh - The Miracle of Mindfulness. A Manual of Meditation

The Principal Upanishads - Edited with introduction, text, translation and notes by S. Radhakrishnan


Websites that might inform and inspire you:





student commitment and materials

We think that first of all it is necessary to be committed to your growth and personal development. It is very important to consider a daily personal practice as well.

Our course is designed to help students to reach the necessary level to qualify as teachers. Most of them desire to teach yoga, some chose to do the course because they simply wished to develop their understanding of yoga. We welcome everyone but, whatever your motivation, all students will be expected to follow the same curriculum and complete the same homework and exams.

All materials distributed to students within their current Program are exclusively for their own didactic use and purpose. Using them in any other ways breaks the rules of the atha YOGA iti school and the ethic principles as lifelong practice all students committed to at the registration, and may be reason for the exclusion from the Program.

Students will have homework assignments to complete and send to the teacher for review in the outline calendar (at least 7 days before the next meeting). In addition, students are required to attend Teacher Training Program classes for a minimum of 100 hours per Term and to submit 2 papers, one on a famous teacher or personality in yoga or yoga-related and another one on a yogic concept or topic of their choice, shared with the lead teacher. At the end of the first Term all students have to make a video of a yoga class where they teach and then present it in a session with the lead teacher (and the other colleagues).

It is required full attendance of all TTP sessions in order to earn the certificate issued at the end of the program pending successful completion of final exams. A student will be granted a margin of an weekend (i.e., 20 hours) of excused absenteeism from class sessions on account of illness or emergencies. Attendance is defined as active participation at the program.

If a student’s excessive absence is due to a legitimate reason, such as a long-term illness or other health motivation or emergency, he/she may join a future TT Program, provided that each situation will be considered individually, in full respect of each person and of the school standards. Otherwise, unexcused absences may cause the exclusion of the student from the TTP.

It will be the student’s responsibility to make up any missed course material for excused absences.

professional and ethical behavior

In studying, teaching and practicing yoga, we equally respect each person in all her complexity and uniqueness, and the essence of Patanjali's yoga concepts outlined in his Yoga Sutra. Anyone may share into this transformative experience as long as they express the essential values and ethics of yoga discipline.

A Yoga practitioner and teacher is expected to adhere to certain professional standards and follow ethical principles in the daily life. It is part of every student’s application to read, share and sign the Code of Conduct of Yoga Alliance as published here.

False, incomplete, or misleading information delivered by the applicant and student, as well as any inappropriate behavior or misconduct may cause expulsion from the Program.

Should any professional or ethical complaint is filed against a Yoga Teacher graduated from atha YOGA iti Certificate Program an inquiry to examine the responsibilities will ensue. If a legitimate basis for the complaint is found, we will report the misconduct to the governing bodies where the instructor is registered,  be them Yoga Alliance or IAYT, and to any other yoga teaching community.

certification and continuing education

After completion of atha YOGA iti 200-Hour Teacher Training Program students will gain a deeper understanding of the principles and history of yoga philosophy, as well as a thorough and practical understanding of the major asanas, including their anatomical and alignment principles, enabling graduates to teach with confidence and intuition.  The graduates will be able to structure and teach sequences of a class in a structured, smart and safe way, finding the best variation/adjustment based on  individual needs.

The trainees who graduate atha YOGA iti Certificate Program are eligible to register in Yoga Alliance as RYT 200, Basic Yoga Instructor.

This certification supports them to build worldwide recognized credentials in the field of teaching yoga and join the largest international yoga community. Nevertheless, it is also true that education is a continuous process and it can never be considered exhaustive, as our Teachers and Yoga Alliance remind time and again.

The students who attend only single workshops and intensive weekends will obtain a Certificate of Attendance.

A student who does not meet the minimum attendance or his/her final cumulative evaluation is not completed successfully will not receive his/her teaching certification.

Our school reserves the right to deny certification to any student who does not fulfill Program obligations or who does not meet atha YOGA iti standards. If a student does not pass the final evaluation, he/she will receive a Certificate of Attendance of the 200-Hour Teacher Training Program only. In the event that certification is withheld, the permission to retake the course and the frequency recognition will be  decided by the Scientific Board of atha YOGA iti School.

cancellation policy

There are no refunds for the teacher trainings in case of cancellation before the start of the TT Program. No credit note will be issued.

Leaving the TT Program during the Program. Students withdrawing from the course on their own and without the explicit agreement of the Scientific Board, and students expelled from the course for inappropriate behavior or misconduct, will not receive any refund of their deposits, nor a partial certificate of attendance.

If untimely leaving the Program or partial non-payments occur, compromising the economic cover of the current edition of the TT Program, the Scientific Board can decide to suspend the Program and issue credit notes to the remaining trainees for the outstanding related fees or agree with them, unanimously, upon an additional payment in order to carry on with the Program as planned.

In special well-documented cases of excessive absence, such as a long-term illness or other health motivation or emergencies, only completion of full payment permits the respective student to join a future TT Program on special conditions. However, each situation will be considered individually, in full respect of each person and of the school standards.

there are included retreat and workshops?

No, this program is designed without a residential retreat included.

May be considered part of the educational program (in terms of hours of attendance) the partecipation in a yoga intensive retreat and other workshops, as further opportunity for the students to benefit of adeguate tutoring, only if these are part of a list of external events previously agreed with the Lead Teacher of the Course.

Contact atha yoga iti

+40 720 081 218


31, Pictor Ion Andreescu Street, Bucharest

copyright 2016 - 2025 © atha yoga iti association