
@centrul shakti - every Monday and Thursday, 18.30

There is only one person who knows what you really want... and that's yourself.

Through yoga practices and techniques, we will work on our limits, experiencing stepping out of our comfort zone, trying to embrace our inner space, our senses, intentions, emotions, thoughts, mindset, what limits and what blocks us.

 "True yoga is just getting out of your own way. " For those who know what's best for them.

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@centrul shakti - every Monday and Thursday, 18.30

You are invite to practice yoga with a beginner's mind, fully open and truly curious, present with your experience  allow you to create space for a deeper emotional self-awareness and a skillful living.

We hope you will leave the mat feeling more encouraged in building a healthier and more meaningful life.

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location:  balance studio woman, str. Tunari, 55 - S2, Bucharest

Let's leave behind the tensions and the inconveniences of the day. Take your time to tune and turn in, to redefine your balance. Learn how slowing down the breath can help slow down the mind.

info: 0724 167 224 or


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Every Monday and Wednesday at 12.00 a.m. we invite you to Hermitage.urban spiritual hub to kick off the week more bodilly and mentally aware.

Save the dates: May 7, 14, 16, 30 and June 4, 6, 11, 13 - 12.00 a.m.

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Exploring Chakras - 6 ateliers with Livia Constantin
Tuesday, 19:30 - 21:00

@ bodhi studio

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Monday and Wednesday,  7.30 a.m.

A positive beginning of the day!


@ bodhi studio, Bucuresti

str. Victor Eftimiu, 2 (Ion Brezoianu)

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